Time Higher Education University Impact Rankings 2022

10.3 (The information from 1 August 2019 – 31 August 2020)

10.3.1 Proportion of international students from low income countries starting first degree

10.4 (The information from 1 August 2019 – 31 August 2020)

10.4.1 Proportion of students with disabilities (No have)

10.6 (The information from 1 October 2019 – 31 September 2020)

10.6.2 Measure and track applications and admissions of underrepresented (and potentially underrepresented) groups including ethnic minorities, low income students, non-traditional students, women, LGBT students, and disabled students. (No have)

10.6.3 Deliver programmes to recruit students, staff, and faculty from under-represented groups? (including ethnic minorities, low income students, non-traditional students, women, LGBT students, and disabled students)
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10.6.6 Provide mentoring, counselling, or peer support programmes to support students, staff, and faculty from underrepresented groups. (including ethnic minorities, low income students, non-traditional students, women, LGBT students, and disabled students)

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10.6.7 Provide accessible facilities for people with disabilities

(Yes, it have) We have a parking and elevator for people with disabilities.

10.6.8 Support services for people with disabilities. (No have)

10.6.9 Provide access schemes for people with disabilities such as mentoring or other targeted support

– Have supported in other areas
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“The facilitation of parking and elevators from the parking lot for children who come to get services from clinic, if they have physical disabilities, the clinic will issue a parking ticket to parents. So, they can park the car under the institution’s building and take the elevator to the second floor to get service”.

10.6.10 Have reasonable accommodation policy or strategy for people with disabilities including adequate funding. (No have)