• Fulbright Scholar

- Dr Tina Taylor from Counseling Psychology and Special Education, David O. McKay School Education, Brigham Young University, USA


  • Exchange Student
                   - Jessica Vera Hunter from Brigham Young University, USA
  • Exchange Student
                   - Leah Karlene Wirthlin from Brigham Young University, USA
  • Exchange Student
- Ms Patsawee Rodcharoen, M.SC.
from University for Teacher Education in Special Needs and University of Bern, Switzerland
  • Adjunct Professor

- Professor Kerry Lee, Ph.D, the Education University of Hong Kong as an Adjunct Professor of Child and Development at National Institute for Child and Family Development, for the duration of 3 years, from 15th of March B.E2566 (A.D.2023) to 14th of March B.E.2569 (A.D.2026).


  • Visiting Professors
                   - Douglas C. Smith, Ph.D.  from Southern Oregon University, USA
                   - Mr. Jakob Douglas Allen, Foreign Expert from USA
  • Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
                  - Agreement between Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia and National Institute for Child and Family Development, Mahidol University, Thailand on Scientific Research and Education Cooperation
                 - Memorandum of Understanding between Mahidol University, Thailand and The Education University of Hong Kong, China on Scientific Research Cooperation
  • Lecturers and Researchers join the International Conference/ Seminar/ Visiting
                   - Assistant Professor Wimontip Musikaphan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Panadda Thanasetkorn, Ph.D, Patcharin Seree, Ph.D visited the Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia on 13-14 Feb. 2018
                   - Assistant Professor Vasunun Chumchua, Ph.D attended the 16th international Congress of Equine Facilitated Programmes at the Royal Dublin Society, Iceland on  25-29 June 2018
                   - Assistant Professor Wimontip Musikaphan, Ph.D. was invited to be a guest speaker at the 1st International Seminar on Family and Consumer Issues “Challenging Family in Asia: Present and Future” on 4 Sep. 2018
          -25-29 November, 2020, Dr. Chadarat Hengsadeekul, was invited to be a guest lecturer in The 4th International Summer Course on “Parenting in Rural Families for Improving Child’s Well-Being” hosted by IPB University, Indonesia
Her lecture entitled “Parenting Context in South East Asia: Lessons Learned from Thai Families.”
The lecture aims to present factual information regarding various aspects of the family in Thailand. In doing so, this lecture reviews existing knowledge of the Thai family as documented in a number of research studies carried out in previous years. Also, this session changes a traditional lecture into an interactive online class through active learning activities, which can maximize students’ participation and learning.
         - 2 Faculty members from NICFD joined in The 3rd International Seminar on Family & Consumer Issues in Asia Pacific (ISFCI) dated Monday, 26 October 2020.
          - Asst. Prof. Kaewta Nopmaneejumruslers, MD, as being a speaker shared in the topic "How to improve family and child resilience during   Covid-19?: Lesson learnt from Thailand.”
           - Dr. Chadarat Hengsadeekul contributed as the Chair of Oral Presentation for the research papers related Family & Consumer Issues.
           - NICFD joined in the “International Safe Community Webinar: From Safe Community toward Safe Province” hosted by International Safe Community Certifying Center (ISCCC) & Tessaban Mueang Nan, Nan province.

Assoc. Prof. Adisak Plitponkarnpim, Director of NICFD, contributed to a joint presentation on “How to Keep Kids Happy and Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic with case studies of the USA, Thailand, and Nan province, Thailand.”

Dr. Chadarat Hengsadeekul, a lecturer from NICFD, gave a summary of the presentations in Thai and English to ensure that both local and international audiences could benefit from the knowledge sharing.

See more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXuc4G61oUI&ab_channel=NICFDChannel

           - Expanding the Capabilities (EXCAP) 2021: IPB and Mahidol University
On 23rd October, 2021, Dr. Chadarat Hengsadeekul, the lecturer of National Institute for Child and Family Development (CF) participated in the WEBINAR: Expanding the Capabilities: EXCAP 2021
hosted by IPB university, Indonesia. The webinar participants consisted of all students in Department of Family and Consumer Science, IPB university. Dr. Chadarat was invited to expand
the academic collaborations between CF and IPB. On this occasion, she is a speaker on the
special topic “Parent-Child Interaction to Optimise Child Development” and delivers the factual
information regarding parent and child interaction in Thailand

         - The 5th International Summer Course:
Family Resilience in the New Normal Era

The 5th International Summer Course:
Family Resilience in the New Normal Era during 22-26
November, 2021. Asst.Prof. Kaewta Nopmaneejumruslers,
MD., the Deputy Director of Clinical Services and Early
Childhood Development Center at CF participated and gave
a lecture on child and family resilience in Thailand context
during the Covid 19 pandemic.


  • International Lecturers and Researchers visit the National Institute for Child and Family Development, Mahidol University
The National Institute for Child and Family Development warmly welcomes Dr. Fredrick Purba from the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia.
                - Prof. Dr. Kerry Lee, Director of Center for Educational and Developmental Sciences, Faculty of Education and Human Development, the Education University of Hong Kong visit on 4 June and 26 July 2018.
                - Dr. Alice Y.L. Lee, Department of Journalism from Hong Kong Baptist University visit NICFD on 18 June 2018 to discuss collaboration on a research project about how the use of social media impacts the lives of teenagers through a comparison of Hong Kong and Thailand.
               - Dr. Douglas Claud Smith, Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology from Southern Oregon University, United State of America visit NICFD on 22 June 2018 to discuss on Visiting Professors Scholarship.
                - Lecturers from the Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia visit NICFD to discuss future collaboration on research, shot course, seminar, exchange students and teachers.  
                - Ministry of Education and Sports, Lao People’s Democratic Republic visit NICFD on 21 Jan 2019 and attended the National Academic Conference on 24-25 Jan 2019.
                - Indonesian Students from the Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University visit NICFD on 21 Jan 2019.
                - Shirley Wyver, Senior Lecturer in Child Development, Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Human Sciences, Macquarie University, Australia and Mr. Richard Lancaster, International Relations Specialist, International Relations Division, Mahidol University visit NICFD to discuss research collaboration.
NICFD Welcome Visitors from National Institute of Education, Maldives

Dr. Chatchai Imarom, Deputy Director for International Relations, Assist. Prof. Kaewta Nopmaneejumruslers, M.D., and colleagues welcome a delegation of teachers from the National Institute of Education, Maldives visited National Institute for Child and Family Development, Mahidol University on October 10, 2022.

The teachers were able to gain additional knowledge from their tour regarding the teaching and child development techniques, programs, activities, curriculum, and so on. Afterward, there were given a tour of the Safety Hunter. It is a hands-on learning experience that aims to teach children essential safety skills at home and in the community.

                   - A Press Released on Keep Our Children Safe: MU Safe School Accreditation in MU Spectrum, Volume 29 Number 2, April - June 2022.
For more details: https://op.mahidol.ac.th/ir/spectrum-vol29-no2/
           - A Press Released on Trauma Treatment & Build Resilience to Childhood Trauma in MU Spectrum, Volume 29 Number 1, January - March 2022.
For more details: https://op.mahidol.ac.th/ir/spectrum-vol29-no1/
           - A Press Released on Returning to Child Care Center amidst the New Normal in MU Spectrum, Volume 28 Number 4, October - December 2021.
For more details https://op.mahidol.ac.th/ir/spectrum-vol28-no4/
           - A Press Released on NICFD Safety Promotion Facilities and International Safe Communities in MU Spectrum, Vol7, 2020.

For more details https://op.mahidol.ac.th/ir/spectrum-vol27-no4/

  • MUIR InFocus
            -A press released on "Market Brain-teaser (Safety Hunter) activities on National Children's Day 2023" InFocus Issue#59 January 2023 Volume 1
For more details chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://op.mahidol.ac.th/ir/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/MUIR-Infocus-Bulletin-Issue59.pdf


       - A Press Released on Expanding the Capabilities (EXCAP) 2021: IPB and Mahidol University in MUIR InFocus, Issue#31 Volume 1 November 2021
For more details  https://op.mahidol.ac.th/ir/muir-infocus-issue31/
  • News
          Students learn lessons outside a classroom following the implementation of the nature-based approach at the National Institute for Child and Family Development.